Dec 18
Don’t miss our last film of the year, the 1934 family classic March of the Wooden Soldiers (also known as Babes in Toyland) starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Stannie Dum (Laurel) and Ollie Dee (Hardy) rent rooms in Mother Peep's shoe in Toyland. When Mother Peep can't make her mortgage payment to the evil Silas Barnaby, he attempts to blackmail her into having Little Bo-Peep marry him, despite the girl's attachment to Tom-Tom Piper. Stannie and Ollie offer their assistance to Mother Peep, Bo-Peep and Piper, and later enlist an army of wooden soldiers to battle Barnaby's cave-dwelling bogeymen. Bring your picnics, lawn chairs and warm blankets and enjoy a Christmas classic in a unique setting along the beautiful San Antonio River! (Gates open early for your picnicking pleasure.) Pets on leash welcome. Come early to sit near one of our heaters. Hot cider, popcorn and seasonal treats available for a donation. A raffle will be conducted prior to the film. In the event of rain, film will be canceled.
1 Review
Joyce M. said on 13/13/16:
Such a lovely place to watch a movie. It was really fun.
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