Rachel M.

San Antonio, TX
Apr 21

Thomas J Sargent, Nobel Laureate Economist

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Find out How the Economy Really Works
How are GDP and inflation affected by a temporary increase in the interest rate or a tax cut?
What happens if a central bank makes a permanent change in its inflation target or a government modifies its objective for budgetary balance?
Thomas J. Sargent, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, will present “My Evolution as an Economist.” Dr Sargent has developed methods for answering these and many of other questions regarding the causal relationship between economic policy and different macroeconomic variables such as GDP, inflation, employment and investments.

Sargent, a macroeconomist, is the W.R. Berkley Professor at New York University. He was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics, shared with Princeton University's Christopher Sims, for his empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy.
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